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Denne personlige test hjælper dig med at finde ud af, om du skal balancere din Vata, Pitta eller Kapha.
Doshaer er navnet på de dynamiske livsenergier, der former vores krop og personlighedstype - Vata, Pitta og Kapha
- hvor som regel én, eller nogle gange to doshaer, er dominerende. Den unikke
sammensætning af disse doshaer ændrer sig som reaktion på, hvad vi spiser,
føler, lugter og andre sanseindtryk. Ved at være bevidst om vores dosha-type og
hvordan vi behandler vores krop, kan vi træffe de rigtige valg for at balancere
disse energier, føle os roligere og mere harmoniske, hvilket bidrager til
stressfri, smuk hud.
Vata ('vata)
VATA ( vata) Vata affects the skin's tissues and nerve impulses, as well as the skin's ability to stretch. Vata people often have delicate, dry skin, which need extra moisturising to keep it in optimal health. They are versatile, energetic and creative people when in balance, but fearful, anxious and indecisive when out of balance.
Produkter vata
Pitta ('pɪtə)
Pitta affects the skin cells metabolic activity and the heat generated in the skin. Pitta people benefit from gentle skincare, as their skin is often sensitive and irritable, makeing it susceptible to wrinkles, sunburn and inflammation. They are passionate and motivated.
Produkter pitta
Kapha ('kɐƒɐ)
Kapha affects the skin´s structure and the collagen levels in the skin and water leveles in the tissue. Kapha people usally have a pale or thisk skin that has a soft, glowing complexion when in balance, but are prone to clogged pores or excess oil when out of balance. They have have a gentle down-to-earth nature with a stable energy level, but can become lethargic is out of balance.